Living Waters
Burkina Faso

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Burkina Faso: Plagued by poverty and violence, these images provide a glimpse into the country during a visit in 1998, as volunteers helped nationals assemble bucket kits and install them in a large garden.
Would you like to help those who suffer in Burkina Faso? Click below to contact us about getting involved!

Burkina Faso: Plagued by poverty and violence, these images provide a glimpse into the country as volunteers helped nationals assemble bucket kits and install them in a large garden.
Would you like to help those who suffer in Burkina Faso? Click below to contact us about getting involved!
Scroll through images from 1996 to the right:

Volunteers working with Chapin Living Waters Bucket Kits returned to Burkina Faso in 1998.
Scroll through images from 1998 to the right:

Though much work continued for the next two decades, the recent images to your right are from a trip made by missions organization Love-a-Child in 2018.
Scroll through images from 2018 on the right: